Philippines Apologises to Hong Kong After 8 Years

Well done Duterte. This is how things should be done - for those thick-skulled unrepentant politicians and government officials.

Apologiesmarathon? you apologized for the previous president so the next president will apologize for you?

so in essence either way there is a no win policy for you. pointless comment from a depressed mind

“From the bottom of my heart, as president of the Republic of the
Philippines, and on behalf of the people of the Philippines, may I
apologise and say sorry that the incident happened and as humanly
possible I would like to make this guarantee – it will never happen
Accept the apology - it is the civilised thing to do and there is no point crying over spilled milk. The “guarantee” - take it with a huge pinch of salt. How is that “guarantee” going to be implemented? Their police is so corrupted that they even tried to collect ransom from the family of a Korean businessman whom they had “accidentally” killed in one of their so-called drug “raids”. Empty promises are worthless!
Accept the apology - it is the civilised thing to do and there is no point crying over spilled milk. The “guarantee” - take it with a huge pinch of salt. How is that “guarantee” going to be implemented? Their police is so corrupted that they even tried to collect ransom from the family of a Korean businessman whom they had “accidentally” killed in one of their so-called drug “raids”. Empty promises are worthless!

apology should be well received by those who were killed and relatives
and friends of the victims, I think. What’s next? Perhaps, president
Duterte might need to consider ordering investigation task force into
how the ex mayor, Alfredo Siojo Lim handled the case in 2010. Apology
means acknowledging wrongdoing and its logical to ask how wrong Alfredo
Siojo Lim did at that time.

could learn from Duterte's example by apologizing to the victims of the
Tiananmen massacre, apologizing to the 10-20 million children who were
victims of the one-child policy and weren't recognized as citizens being
born as second/third children, and apologizing to Chinese citizens that
were victims of Mao's policies.

The apology was not meaningful. The Philipine government should do more solid actions to compensate the victim families that suffered for the past years. Spoke it

Langouste Impériale
token of peace is always a right step forward. You would know the
meaning of an apology if you see the battle led by the surviving victims
of Nazi occupation, Japanese occupation, Tiananmen sq etc..., just to
have their plight formerly recognized.

vs Duterte, very big contrast. One crawled out from beneath the skirt
of his mother to won presidency vs one fought crimes heavily in his town
and then won presidency. One said HK's CEO was not in the same level to
talk to him during the tragedy vs one comes to HK to deliver apology.

Thank you for reporting this, SCMP...
Philippines voted Duterte for a very noble reason. He works hard for the good of his country and our entire region.
Philippines voted Duterte for a very noble reason. He works hard for the good of his country and our entire region.

You gotta give him this he has a backbone maybee our appointed leaders ( loosers?) can learn here something ?

finally, somebody, has a big enough shadow, to say what's needed to be said years ago. thank you.

Hilariously serious
his detractors say about him being evil and heartless, it takes a lot
of guts, humanity and humility for him to make that public apology. That
makes him much more of a man and president than his predecessor Aquino
could ever be.
This is a big step towards putting the matter to rest between Hong Kong and Philippine. Hope the families of those HK victims find it in their hearts to forgive and look forward.
This is a big step towards putting the matter to rest between Hong Kong and Philippine. Hope the families of those HK victims find it in their hearts to forgive and look forward.

Duterte has already taken initiative and a reached out to the victims.
How about we try to be grateful? I thank you, President Duterte

sad incidence happened during Aquino's term. Aquino bears the full
responsibility for it. But Duterte is big enough to bring a resolution
by apologizing to HK. HK should return the grace, instead of sending
SAFE to confront Duterte. The HK students are out of control. They must
be told to behave!

I'm sorry, you seem very mis-informed.
The SAFE students wanted to respectfully hand over a petition with over 1,000 signatures, collected primarily from the pinay community. This was not a "confrontation".
If standing up against unethical fees and black market employment agencies is "out of control" I am afraid you do not understand what actually occurred and you should do your research before spreading false information.
The SAFE students wanted to respectfully hand over a petition with over 1,000 signatures, collected primarily from the pinay community. This was not a "confrontation".
If standing up against unethical fees and black market employment agencies is "out of control" I am afraid you do not understand what actually occurred and you should do your research before spreading false information.
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