The Education Bureau has backed down before (see Breaking News! Hong Kong Education Bureau Rejects Creationism and Intelligent Design), so let's hope that there really are decision-makers in the bureau who are critical thinkers.
It is paramount to keep people with dangerous agendas (be they political, religious or otherwise) at bay.
Protests win the day with national education U-turn (The Standard
Staff Reporter
Thursday, August 25, 2011
In yet another U-turn, the government has dropped plans to teach national education in secondary schools.
However, a source said the Education Bureau will push ahead with the plan to introduce the subject in primary schools next year.
The bureau originally proposed making national education an optional subject in secondary schools next year before making it mandatory for all schools from 2013.
The proposal was slammed by several sectors as a form of brainwashing.
Last Sunday, 200 teachers, students and their parents protested outside the old central government offices, after which a bureau spokesman hinted that adjustments could be made after listening to public views.
Earlier this month, the Civic Party said 68 percent of the 1,134 respondents it polled wanted the proposal withdrawn.
The decision to abandon the secondary school plan comes before the four- month consultation on the issue ends on Tuesday.
Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union president Fung Wai-wah said it is not technically possible to introduce the subject in secondary schools as they are already facing a lot of challenges because of the new 3+3+4 system.
He said the education sector has reached a consensus that the national education plan be withdrawn as a similar course already exists in the curriculum.
Meanwhile, Secretary for Education Michael Suen Ming-yeung took a high- speed train to Wuhan, Hubei, with about 300 students and teachers as part of an exchange program to mark the 100th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution.
The tour is part of the "Passing On the Torch: Exploring and Embracing Chinese Culture National Education Exchange Programme." Launched by the bureau last year, the program has seen 8,300 students participate so far.
The three-day tour will see the group visit Wuhan University and join learning activities with students there.
The trip is expected to give local students a deeper understanding of the nation as well as strengthen their national identity and sense of belonging.
I bet that they try and introduce it, or something like it at a later stage. They know that the Big Bosses in Beijing will pat them on the head if they do, it's a ticket to a comfortable life.