Friday, 2 September 2011

0887 HKSAR Name of the Day

Vannis Pang (Ms), SAA, Alumni Affairs & Development Office, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

About Novel HKSAR Names
Name Category: Creation


  1. I think there was some girly looking star called something like this... perhaps she is a fan?

  2. Will keep an eye out for something similar to Vannis. There's a Vannie (see 0140). Aha AW, I think you may be referencing the porn star Ms Vonnie Lui (see 0769 or 3D Sex and Zen).

    Also, Fanny is similar to Vannis and is very popular in Hong Kong. The name is so popular that Fanny's are not considered rare here.

  3. Ah, thought of it, Vanness Wu.

    Assuming a roughly equal distribution of the sexes in Hongkers, just over half the population should have fannys! Though few might get much use.

  4. Haha!

    Also, thanks for the name of the actress. You will be credited when I post the name up.

  5. Yep, the surveys about sex consistently say that the fanny's of Hongkers don't get much, err, action.

    Actually, Vanness is a guy! Strange but true.
